Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Field Trip to our Local Firehouse!

I accompanied Evan & his class on their field trip to the local firehouse. I was impressed at how nice and attentive the firemen were with the kids. They did a lot of explaining, role play/scenarios, they gave them a tour of the firehouse, their rooms, and the trucks, & even put the siren's on for the kids to hear! We then went to the local park that was right down the street from the firehouse where the kids ate lunch & played for a while. It was a great day & I'm glad I was there to share it with my little boy. Evan told me he wanted to be a fireman when he grows up so he can "save the day". lol 

 One of the firefighter's rooms


 Evan trying to lift a heavy oxygen tank

 Sitting in the ambulance

 Kady-Ann with her mommy

 At the park

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Organizing Sippy Cup Lid Drawer

Cleaning out Evan's sippy cup drawer that makes me cringe everytime I open it. I bought the plastic bins (that came in a 3 pack) at the Dollar Store. Posting a before & after picture. Hoping we can keep it that clean :)

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pokemon Prize Pack!

Wanted to thank Deal Wise Mommy for hosting the Pokemon Prize Pack contest that we were lucky enough to win! My boys loved it, thanks again!!

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